Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chapter 2 begins soon...

It's just a few days from a new year. Every year around this time, I tend to go back and evaluate the year. I look at the wins, loses, adventures, battles, and the Hand of God. 2009 will go down in my own history book as one of the most incredible years of my life. I still have to pinch myself often to see if this is just a dream. It has been an incredible journey this past year. I have watched God grow The Commons leaps and bounds both numerically and spiritually. I have watched students get on board with God. I have seen lives restored, freed, and given purpose. I have made some many new friends, experienced so many new things, and witnessed some many new areas of who God is. It has been an amazing year.

Next week will mark the 1 year anniversary of when I took a step of faith, packed all my things in a penkse truck, and moved to the Pacific Northwest. I have been looking over the pictures and tear up every time in amazement of God's calling, provision, and love. I also sit in amazement of those who have faithfully supported me this year. I feel that I can say with integrity that I have been a great steward of the resources that you have entrusted me with. I want to say "THANK YOU!" from the bottom of my heart.

2010 is quickly approaching and a new chapter is about to begin. I am super excited to see what God is going to do this year in the Commons, the Commons Student Ministry, and with me. I am expecting even great things this year. Please keep me in prayer as I begin to seek out God's guidance in this new chapter. I don't want to miss out on a thing.

As this chapter begins, I would like for you to consider being in the pages of this story. For me to continue to minister effectively (100%), then I have to raise support. It is my desire for you to connect with God on this and see if He has you involved with His story here at the Commons. Maybe it is through prayer, financial support, a mission trip, or just words of encouragement. THEY ALL ARE GOLD IN THE KINGDOM. I ask for you to just pray and ask God what would He have you to do and then be obedient. That is it. I would encourage you though to involve your family. Maybe it is praying for me together or fasting one day a week or taking what it would cost for a family outing and use it as financial support. There are so many creative and meaningful ways to support me. Just ask God and be on board with what He says.

Thank you for visiting this sight. I look to revamping it for the 2010 year and adding some new elements. I love you and thank you for supporting me. If you have any questions, please e-mail me at cham.i.am@gmail.com.


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