Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy 1st Anniversary!

This time last year I shut the door to a 26 ft. yellow Penski truck, turned the key, and began my trek across this massive nation to Seattle, Washington. I wasn't sure about where I was going to live, finances, ministry, & life. It was such a mystery and adventure that any other time in my life, I would not of attempted it without the proper safety nets. I had a song in my heart, a passion for God in my soul, and a step of faith into the cham-unchartered world of God's will for my life. I can tell you today, 1 year later, that I DO NOT REGRET IT ONE SECOND!

2009 goes down as one of my, if not the most, God-memorable times of my life. Tough? Yes! Challenging? Yes! God all over it? YES! YES! YES! I can/can't believe it that I have been here a year. It seems so quick. So much has happened. I could never explain it all. I can only sum it up by saying "God!". That's all. As mentioned in previous blogs, I am stoked about 2010. I'm not sure what is to come, but I know/& expecting great big God things. God has definitely blessed and had His hand on The Commons. I still can't believe that I get to be apart of such an incredible church that is reaching out to the unchurched, the broken, the hurt, etc. I have had the privilege to be used in so many different ways. Student ministry, Sunday morning teaching, men's ministry, women's ministry (childcare lol), and on and on. God has also used me in other church plants here in Washington by helping them in the media-side of things. He has used this apartment to connect people from other places to the mission of The Commons and at the same time has used it as a place for refuge & healing for those hurting and looking to be restored. 2009's theme was definitely "God!".

I celebrate this all with you! If it were not for your Love for God, obedience to Him, love for me, and your support, then this God story could have quite possibly never existed. I celebrate this day with you. I am a result of your love, trust, and hope. So from the bottom of my heart, I want to say "Thank You!" for everything. May we step into this year with greater God-expectations than ever!


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