I am beginning to understand a few things about "walking in faith".
1) I thought I knew what "walking in faith" is.
Um yeah...I am totally an infant on this issue. I thought I had confidently figured this area of the Christian journey...boy was I wrong. And
so its not confidence in me, but confidence in
God is the beginning step.
2) Having a "homesick faith" will get your
no where.
What I mean about a "homesick faith" is
focusing on things in the past more than the present and future. Catching yourself dwelling
on how things "once was" or "the good ol' days". There is nothing wrong with remembering
and learning from the past, but trying to live and relive in it will do nothing for you but stop
you in your faith walk. Believe it or not, God has even more exciting things that He wants to
do beyond what He did yesterday and the day before.
3) "Home is where the heart is" - an old saying, but true in this sense. Where your heart is, that is where your passion will come from, grow from, and explode from. Its hard to walk in a
real faith if you are tied to something other than God. It can anchor you to a life less filling
than that of which God has for you. You have to become nomadic.
4) "Walking in faith" means you are crazy. Just accept it. Its not a bad thing. I am not referring
to being a psychopath, but one who is willing to take the risk, to go into the unknown, to
chase after God in the wilderness. You are crazy to yourself, to your family, and to your
friends. It's those who are "crazy" that see the deeper beauty of God's purpose. They are
crazy enough to chase after the unknown to find out God's plan and will. The apostle Paul
was considered foolish, and God used him to do extraordinary things, write the majority of
the New Testament, and impact that side of the ancient world. The Bible is full of "crazys"
who God used to impact this world because they weren't afraid of leaving their "comfort
5) "Walking in faith" - ultimately fulfills us. It brings us to a point on totally relying on God. I,
as well as others, wrestle with wanting to be comfortable and in control. Last time I
checked, I have been created, called, and expected to be totally reliant on God. Its a tough thing to not be in control, but it is totally satisfying. Mark Batterson mentions in his book
that faith means to step out into a place where you are vulnerable and where God can show
up and show out. Cham is learning to let go of the reigns daily...
Just things I am learning as I get to be a part of God's plan...