Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day

Labor Day: A time for the beach, the lake, or just recouping from a little College football action. For a group of people in Arlington, it was a day to say "we love you and we want to show it". Family, church family, & friends, showed up in full force to help out a Commons Family in a time of need.

Last week, the Green home had the unexpected happen.., a car crash. Scott (Dad) & Gabe (oldest son) were heading out to go fishing when the car spun out of control on a wet, curvy road. Scott had extensive damage to his leg including cracked pelvis, dislocated hip, torn ligaments, and knee damage. Gabe on the other hand only had a few scratches. Scott's injuries demanded a few surgeries and a lot of bed time to completely recover. In saying this, loved ones wanted to reach out and help Scott & Diana (wife) somehow, someway.

Kristin Hall, a member of The Commons, rallied friends and family via e-mail to help do an "extreme makeover" to the Green home. The idea was to clean, cut, organize, and do whatever we can, so Diana & family can focus on a full recovery. So all Labor Day, people did whatever they could service-wise to help.

It was cool for me to see all the different people come and help out, no questions asked & no "Can't believe I'm missing my Labor Day" attitudes. It was all smiles, laughter, & love. It was cool to seeing people from the Commons jump on an opportunity to reach out to others in a time of need. It was a great Labor Day.

Some pics I snapped:

1 comment:

ashley&christy2001 said...

Oh wow Cham that is awesome what great group of people you are involved with they have the spirit,seriously that is wonderful. You need to post an update about your friend how is he doing?