Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The unexpected call...

Yesterday, I had a call out of the blue from one of my students that was first here at The Commons when I stepped on board back in January. You may remember the story about him. He was the student who was "atheist" and was given his very first Bible by me because of some generous donors who helped me purchase some Bibles. To catch you up, he had to move to a town north of Arlington, so he was unable to attend any more student Bible studies.

He called me to just catch up with me and see how The Commons was doing. We talked about life and his next steps on finishing high school. The part I really want to mention is when I asked him if he still had the Bible that I gave him. He said, "yeah man, I have read about half of it now." This is huge! A student that is still looking for answers is still reading the ANSWER. In my experience, most people in that situation would allow life and circumstances to distract them from following through with reading the Bible. It is an understatement when I say that I was pumped.


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