The title of this blog was the very question that a middle school girl asked me during the bible study and it was a question that impacted many.
The night started off with energy, spaghetti, and a whole lot of new kids. As you may or may not know, I decided to split the middle school and high school up on two separate nights. Last week, I had a total of 4 middle school students. I challenged them to bring friends and they came through. I had 12 students tonight! That was huge, but not as big as what was to come.
I started off interacting with the students as normal. I do my dumb cham stuff that breaks the ice and helps connect others with laughing and what not. Soon after, I begin the bible study. Of course, I started with a object lesson..."Name that baby food". Who knew what was about to happen?
After the object lesson, I began to run over Matthew 5:13-16(msg). Quite to my surprise, we didn't stay on that long. I had a young girl raise her hand in the middle of the lesson with a baffled look. I pointed to her and said, "do you have a question?" She said, "So why did God five up Jesus?" I heard a bunch of "yeahs" very low under other's breathes. I responded, "great question..let's look find out."
So at that point, I walked through John 3:16 & Romans 3:23. I explained to them why Christ had to die and came to die for the world. I went through why we fell short and how Jesus can fix that. The girl then followed up by asking, "So how do you come into a relationship with Jesus?" I grinned and I took the group through Romans 10:9-10. I explained to them about asking Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. I explained my testimony quickly and what Christ did for me.
At that point, I asked the entire group to bow there heads. I simply said, "If you would like to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior then just make eye contact with me." 8 students looked at me and I about lost it. I walked them through a how to get saved.
Can I say that TOTALLY ROCKED MY WORLD!!! Everything, the ups and downs of church planting and sacrificing, totally paid off. I got to experience God moving first hand. It is still surreal to me. I plan to follow up these next weeks with them. God rocks my world!
Please keep these students, me, the student ministry, and The Commons in your prayers. God is doing some incredible things here. Come be apart of it in some way.
PS. I didn't edit check this content b/c I'm worn out. Please forgive any mistakes or type-os.