Thursday, April 1, 2010

Everybody has a just takes a second to listen.

It has been interesting the last couple of weeks. I have met some very interesting people with some really cool stories.

Last week, I was interviewed by a general manager at a local retail store here in the area. Come to find out, he was a PK (Preacher's Kid) and a former student pastor. It was pretty cool considering that I live in a unchurched area. We ended up sharing stories, struggles, and life. I was amazed at this encounter and I think he was too.

Yesterday, I had to go to a local Lab Testing Facility for a infamous drug test required by potential hiring companies. I met a doctor there that turned out to be a church goer at a local church. He was fascinated with my name which lead to my move up here which lead to me sharing why I was here and what I do. He shared about his life and his move as well as his journey as a believer. He was a really cool guy with a fascinating life and background.

I share this to encourage everyone to stop.., look.., listen.., and connect. If we stop in our busy worlds for a moment, we find that there are real people created by God with interesting stories. From there, we need to look for those moments where we can strike up a conversation. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but try it. Then we need to listen. You will be amazed how interesting the world outside of your world is. Last, we need to connect. Connecting in the sense of impacting that person. Leaving them with a blessing of some sort. In most conversations, I always ask in my heart, "Ok...God. How can I bless them or What do You want to do through me to bless or impact them?" Then I do it.

I just share this because there are so many people with fascinating stories that we can reach out to, bless, and impact. We just need to stop, look, listen, and connect.


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